The long-anticipated “Kung Fu Panda 2” has hit theatres this week. What was so fantastic about the first film was the way in which it incorporated kung fu into an animated family film! Many times Kung-fu manages to sneak into other genres. To celebrate Po’s newest adventure, we bring you a list of some genre-bending kung fu films. It breaks down mathematically as follows…
Kung Fu + Sci-fi = Equilibrium
“Equilibrium” is set in a dystopian future wherein all emotions have been outlawed and therefore any and all material that would elicit an emotional response from the populace is considered illegal contraband. This leads to the destruction of priceless works of art, literature and even the slaughter of loved ones. Kung fu’s inclusion into science fiction, is amazing to behold.
Kung Fu + Comedy = Kung Fu Hustle
Some films are just so bizarre that it takes you a few viewings to understand why they work so perfectly. The film is essentially a high-flying, wildly absurd martial arts farce. What is most surprising about “Kung Fu Hustle” is that, for all its silliness and great comedic timing, it has some legitimately spectacular fight sequences with arresting visuals.
Kung Fu + Western = The Stranger and the Gunfighter
If you have a hankering to see kung fu in the Old we would recommend “The Stranger and the Gunfighter”. It is the tale of a kung fu master from China sent to the Wild West of America to investigate his uncle’s death. Lieh Lo brings the Chopsocky brand of kung fu to the saloons and dusty streets so indelible to the western genre. Lee Van Cleef, a legendary western action hero, plays Lo's counterpart to perfection
Kung Fu + Drama = Unleashed
This awe-inspiring martial arts drama is about a man raised from childhood on a steady diet of isolation and violence. Danny is a sweet, docile man-child who would never hurt a fly -- that is, while his collar is on. The instant his despicable gangster patriarch removes that collar, Danny becomes a lethal instrument of brutality. The fight sequences are brilliant.
Kung Fu + Superhero Flick = Legend of the Fist
Stepping into the role of Chinese legend Chen Zhen, Donnie is an absolute force of nature on the screen. The larger-than-life cinematography, the score and the fight choreography make “Legend of the Fist” a rare kung fu superhero film.
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